Thursday, July 28, 2011

We're at the Olmsted County Fair!

Olmsted County Fair
Here's an awesome picture of the Olmsted County Fair, by Chad Johnson

This week we took our hats on the road to visit the Olmsted County Free Fair!
Katie is manning the booth this week enjoying the sun, the fun and (of course) the FOOD! Yes, it's hot - but we are STILL sporting our knit hats amongst the crowds!

I hope you can stop by and see us! Stop by, say hi, and take a picture with us! We'll be looking for some brave souls to snap a pic so we can share it on our blog and our Facebook Page! Can't wait to see you there! Bring that sunblock and get ready to eat some junk food!


  1. I just got home from the Olmsted County Fair, I wish I would have saw your comment about using my picture before I went....I would have stopped by and said hello! Hope you guys are having a good week at the fair, your hats look awesome!.

    Chad Johnson

  2. @Chad Thank you so much!
    Aw, we're sorry we missed you! If you have any photos from the fair, you should send them to us! We're having a really great time!!
